Weight Loss

Sign Simone Biles up for the Navarro cheerleading team, please! The 22-year-old Olympic gymnast must’ve binged Netflix’s breakout docuseries like the rest of us, because she recently tweeted her desire to join Coach Monica Aldama and crew for their next season. “Netflix series CHEER had me convinced after 2020 I’m trying out for Navarro Cheer,”
Renaissance Periodization — while it may sound like you’re taking an art history class, it’s actually not. The diet and training program is one that puts an emphasis on maintaining muscle while decreasing fat or building muscle if you’re too thin. However, the program brings in scientific methods to its diet, and training components ensure
Maintaining a healthy lifestyle is like wearing a helmet throughout life: it’s the first line of defense when protecting your brain. While there is “no silver bullet for promoting brain power,” setting good social, physical, and nutritional habits is the key to promoting cognitive wellness, says Dr. Jennie Valles, MD, a neurologist in Burke Rehabilitation
Between Justin Bieber’s silky-smooth tone and the wanna-move-around beats, “Yummy”, his first single in over four years, is a hit that we can’t get out of our heads. Suitably, the Fitness Marshall — known for their high-energy (and sometimes low-energy) dance workouts on YouTube — recently came out with a follow-along three-minute dance number set
The average yoga class runs about 60 minutes — but is that really enough time to fully reap the benefits of your practice? “In the not-too-distant past, yoga classes were commonly scheduled for 75 or 90 minutes,” Tom Johnson, a certified yoga teacher with Enjoy Community Wellness, told POPSUGAR. Due to the demanding schedules of
You don’t need a calendar to know it’s time for New Year’s resolutions. Just swing by a gym the first week of January and you’ll know from the resolution-ready crowd getting their sweat on and taking up the treadmills that you’re not the only one who is determined to lose some weight and get stronger
If there’s one thing you can count on around this time of year, it’s incredible routines from the UCLA Gymnastics team. Take Gracie Kramer’s floor choreography, for example. The 21-year-old student recently competed in a meet against Boise State, and her talents are enough to impress any “bad guy.” Commentators called Gracie’s routine “creepy” but,
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is one of the most dangerous neurological conditions athletes can face, in part because there’s still very little known about the disease. One of the most notable cases occurred in Aaron Hernandez, the ex-NFL star whose troubled life, crimes, and untimely death are the subject of a Netflix documentary, Killer Inside: