Weight Loss

The holidays are most definitely times to celebrate family and friends and enjoy tradition. Although, many of us will be enjoying our holidays a lot differently, whether that means skipping the usual travels altogether or opting for smaller festivities. One tradition that will undoubtedly take on a new form is a Turkey Trot or other
@shapedbycharlotte better than a PSL #hellofall #pumpkinseason #healthyrecipes #tiktokcooks #nutritiontips #wellness #proteinshake #smoothie #smoothies ♬ Moon (And It Went Like) – Kid Francescoli What’s better than pumpkin pie? We’d argue a pumpkin pie smoothie simply because we love to turn dessert into drinkable treats that take little to no time at all. And when protein
While my mouth is full of equipment, my dentist always checks-in with, “You’re using fluoride products, right?” I respond with a shrug while trying not to spit or choke. Admittedly, I don’t seek out fluoride — it’s coincidentally in some of the dental products I habitually use. Am I consuming too little or too much?
Selena Gomez has been incredibly candid about her ongoing mental health journey over the years, recently revealing she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder and opening up about managing her depression during shelter-in-place. In an interview with The Newsette for its Nov. 17 newsletter, the 28-year-old singer, joined by her mom, Mandy Teefey, once again spoke
Becoming a faster, stronger, and more efficient runner won’t happen overnight, but it is possible. Consistently working on your running mechanics and strength training are two ways to improve your speed and efficiency, and they can also keep you injury-free. If you’ve thought about doing running workouts with ankle weights for that extra edge to
We’re already big fans of Kayla Itsines’s fitness app Sweat and the muscle-building, fat-blasting, and heart-pumping workouts it features. We love that some workouts are bodyweight-only, while others require minimal equipment (think: just one set of dumbbells). While the focus has primarily been on strength training and cardio, there are other workouts fans have been
The best and most effective way to increase your strength without getting injured is by creating proper alignment of the spine, hips, and shoulder girdle. Join Anna Renderer for this beginner’s workout that uses light weights to strengthen your body through low-impact movements like bridges, squats, and lunges. Optional equipment: 2 light dumbbells