Weight Loss

For-profit healthcare short-changes virtually everyone, but according to new evidence, Black queer youth are among those who suffer the most. A new study from The Trevor Project led by Myeshia Price-Feeney, PhD, found that 44 percent of Black queer youth seriously considered suicide in the past 12 months, including 59 percent of Black transgender and
Metal braces fit with neon rubber bands (aka my middle-school vibe) aren’t the only teeth-straightening option nowadays. And as someone looking for a slightly subtler aligner, I’m thrilled. What’s hard is deciding between a mail-in retainer and an orthodontist-prescribed option. To the untrained eye, mail-in aligners and orthodontic offerings seem similar, but cosmetic and restorative
This week, Chris Hemsworth blessed Instagram with a series of mini-meditations featuring the Aussie actor reciting affirmations in different gorgeous, scenic locations. Hilariously titled “Affirmations That Positively, Absolutely, Probably (Most Likely) Won’t Make Your 2020 Worse,” the humorous videos were actually promoting Hemsworth’s fitness app Centr, which offers real meditations. I decided to try the
When it comes to working those quads, glutes, and hamstrings, there’s hardly a more ideal movement to perform than the lunge. With many different types of lunge variations, this is a truly versatile exercise that engages some of the larger muscle groups in the legs. Plus, when done properly over time — we’re talking about
Grab a pen and paper and take a seat, dear reader, because Lizzo is getting real. Over the weekend, David Letterman’s third season of My Next Guest Needs No Introduction dropped on Netflix and featured interviews with Kim Kardashian, Dave Chappelle, Robert Downey Jr., and Lizzo. It’s a strange concept, an interview in a celebrity’s